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In lithotherapy, calcite is considered a soft stone. On a mental level, it is known to bring appeasement and to help restore mental balance. In everyday life, at work, at home, with family or friends, it helps to put the useless into perspective and to move away from it. It also helps to better manage the discomfort resulting from anger. It also helps to be flexible by diluting thoughts and convictions that are too rigid. It is also a mineral that stimulates intuition. In addition, this mineral species is of the comforting type. It connects emotions to the intellect and allows you not to become discouraged or lose hope. It allows children to express themselves and to be more interested in the adult world. By enriching your collection, it will help you to substitute serenity for stress.
Ideal for increasing the faculties of discernment and analysis, calcite stone helps to organize ideas and put them into practice. It also helps to intensify memory and promote studies, teaching and careers. It is also possible to use it to fight laziness and to be more energetic and combative. Beneficial in many ways, this crystal is also useful on the spiritual level. It helps to be more open to channeling, psychic gifts and out-of-body experiences. It also promotes spiritual development and allows the soul to remember its experiences, once it has reintegrated its body.
The virtues of calcite stone on the physical level
On a physical level, the virtues of calcite vary according to its color. However, it is recognized as having a good reputation for strengthening bones, the spine and joints, due to its high calcium content. This mineral also helps to gain vitality and energy and to purify the organs of elimination. It reduces ligament tears and also helps to strengthen muscles and joints. Icelandic spar and its varieties will also be useful to you to soothe increases in body temperature and injuries caused by fire. These crystals are excellent allies to relieve lumbar and dental problems. Also beneficial for the digestive system and for lower abdominal disorders, they will also bring you relief during intestinal disorders. In case of spasms or tremors, they are also beneficial to the nervous system.
Acting effectively on the immune system, this mineral acts to help the child in its development. It promotes the growth of children and stimulates tissue regeneration. On the dermis, it acts as an elixir to combat suppurating wounds. It is also possible to use it to relieve the adrenal glands.
Yellow orange : it recalls the sun and helps bring joy, morale and speedy recoveries. It is a mineral that increases intellectual and physical activity and strengthens the immune system. It reduces the feeling of hunger and reduces nausea.
Approximate size: 2.5 - 3cm
Each stone is unique in its color and shape.
All this information is given for informational purposes. It does not constitute in any way a diagnosis or medical treatment. Lithotherapy is a therapy that does not replace in any case the consultation of a doctor. In case of health problem, consult your doctor.
The power of stones is powerful, use it wisely.